HILA InsurTech
Starting in July, with a break for the summer, we will be running a 5 part series on InsurTech. Just to give you a flavour, the draft outline is set out below. We are working on finalising the dates, venues etc – once we do we will send out the flier and registration form. [If you have a venue that seats more than 60 that you are willing to offer for free, please let me know.]
Date | Topic | |
1 | July | The Age of Data & the Practical and Legal Challenges Arising (Data Protection) |
2 | September | Blockchain 101 |
3 | October | Cyber Insurance –coverage and risk management |
4 | November | InsurTech and Pricing, Underwriting and Claims |
5 | TBC | InsurTech – What might the Future Hold? What should or could the insurance industry do with technology? Sand box |
LAWASIA Risk Management & Professional Indemnity Insurance Conference 2017, 15 – 16 June 2017
We have been asked by LAWASIA to raise awareness of the LAWASIA Risk Management & Professional Indemnity Insurance Conference 2017, which is taking place in Hong Kong SAR from 15 – 16 June 2017.
LAWASIA, the Law Association for Asia and the Pacific, is an international organisation of legal bodies, lawyers, judges, legal academics and others, which focuses on the interests and concerns of legal professionals in the Asia Pacific.
The LAWASIA Risk Management & PII Conference is designed to equip delegates with insight and knowledge into complex and multi-dimensional issues arising from risk management for legal professionals. It will examine current aspects of the inter-relationships between risk management and the professional indemnity insurance schemes that are in place to protect lawyers and their law firms. The program will offer examinations of the relationship between professional regulation and insurance, best practice, cross border operating risks, the impact of global economic effects and of changes wrought by a growing internationalisation of legal practice, among other areas.
For further information, please see attached conference brochure. Alternatively, please see:http://www.lawasia.asn.au/pii_hong_kong_event_2017.html.